Unban: hardcase38
Your name: Hard Case [38 яus]

Your ban ID: 12470

Banned by: [FL] SoulRipper

Server: rp_evocity v33x

Involved: NightShade

Why we should unban you: First, I apologize to the admin who I killed, confusing it with another person. It was this: I played for the Rebel, as my companions, but we did not attack the cops, I do not know why other cops killed just like that, we have none in this case had no mayor was a dictator, continually exhibited his rule, raised taxes, reduced the available speed, giving orders, cops patrolling the streets, shooting those who came to the police station. I said this but it seems Ruxandra mad at me and nehotela do anything I wrote all the admins that the cops are killed just like that, but no one answered, as if on the forum: I created a theme, and even posted the video but no one answered but this is not about that. We have not tried to capture the mayor, as this is not the reason (written in the rules) The Mayor declared the curfew and all gone home, but when it ended, for some obscure rules they began arresting Rebels, and I certainly helped their comrades killed these cops with awp, also helped me to kill them but: we watched a man who must be killed immediately, but I did not do it because it is rdm (he was a witness), and then began the chase on us, and I was forced to hide have coffee, I killed those who work for government (at the same time declared the canal a direct connection) then I changed my position, but a man named: Night Shade saw the place where I was killing policemen (This was the same witness.) All this time He watched me, and he saw where I ran away. He came to my house, but I have not seen it and did not realize at all what this man, but he saw that the door is open, then it's time to throw away, because who knows what I'm here. When I started to leave, he hit me with a crowbar (he wanted to kill me to pick up the awp), after which I ran without seeing his nickname, I have had very few bad health and I've seen, it seemed to me that he turned on the car and left, When I received the kit I've seen everything, and it seemed to me that this is the same man who had just killed me, so I stabbed him, but confused. (I think that at first the admin had to figure out why I killed him, not the ban immediately! And I had to answer in law rp and not by the rules of the server. Just understand that I was furious and wanted to quickly find and kill him!
Also: they are the man I did not even pay attention because it seemed to me he can be trusted and he played a lot of time on the server, but a nickname yet, I did not remember.)

Evidence: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAQ9jNb7q...e=youtu.be

Messages In This Thread
Unban: hardcase38 - by hardcase38 - 07-17-2012, 06:12 AM
RE: Unban: hardcase38 - by Killjoy - 07-17-2012, 06:29 AM
RE: Unban: hardcase38 - by hardcase38 - 07-17-2012, 08:14 AM
RE: Unban: hardcase38 - by hardcase38 - 07-17-2012, 12:35 PM
RE: Unban: hardcase38 - by hardcase38 - 07-17-2012, 03:34 PM
RE: Unban: hardcase38 - by Killjoy - 07-17-2012, 05:11 PM

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