DumbAssss -_- || Returning to your servers!
I'M BACK!!!!

Seriously though. I haven't got on with some people on this server for reasons which aren't worth bringing up anymore but I want to point out that my roleplaying style has improved dramatically since the last time I was on the servers.

In the few short weeks that I wasn't on the servers, I checked back regularly onto the forums to nosy around at how people are doing and checking out some of the events that have taken place. I've also checked on what the admins have been trying to do to improve the server and upon witnessing some threads... I see that some of you actually do want to make this server what it is supposed to be (which makes me happy).

I was intending to say something in all honesty but now is not the time or place for me to express a thought as I want to come back with people having a new fresh outlook on me.

So looking forward to seeing you all again in the next week or so (I'm supposed to be moving out of my mums house into my mates at the start of next week so I should be back then.)


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DumbAssss -_- || Returning to your servers! - by VerteX - 07-11-2012, 03:12 PM

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