Unban Request
Your name: (Steam friends name)

Your ban ID: 12055

Banned by: The one and only [FL] Ruxandra

Server: rp_EvoCity_v33x

Involved: [BD] MeshHead, Slushy, and some whining scrubster.

Why we should unban you: Apparently, someone claims that he own the grass once he has bought all the doors in the village.
Complete horseshit.
Then the guy starts to abuse FearRP so we 'have' to leave the grass.
Sorry, But I'm not participating in PowerRP. Not my style.

But yet, abusing FearRP just to get your own will over therefore ruining the RP is allowed here?'

Then, Roxy the big bad boss comes in, supports the ones who ruined the RP more than someone ignoring FearRP, takes my RP point away.

So, I had enough of the argument and left it, so the scrubby scrub would get his little land back and everyone would be happy.
Rux found it nessecary to ban me for 6 hours and not the guy who abuses FearRP, causing PowerRP.

What's wrong, guys?
And Rux, stop having a grudge against me, would you?

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request - by Scout - 07-05-2012, 09:56 PM
RE: Unban Request - by Ruxandra - 07-05-2012, 10:00 PM
RE: Unban Request - by Killjoy - 07-09-2012, 04:00 AM

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