Unban Request Grimesdude
Your name: Grimesdude

Your ban ID: 11961

Banned by: [FL] Ruxandra

Server: v2d

Involved: [FL] Ruxandra, Sweetroll Fgt, [FL:RP] The_Alpha_Dog
Why we should unban you:
Responding to the part about dcing http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561...tab=public

I was helping Sweetroll get uncuffed on the top floor, unarmed, no weapons out whatsoever, when Alpha came up. A policeman handcuffed Alpha, so I killed him to prevent Alpha from being arrested. Afterwards I put my weapon away, and did not use it even when the president was a couple feet from me. After Sweetroll was uncuffed, Alpha was once again getting handcuffed. I opened one of the offices for him, and untied him. Then while trying to leave, an elevator with an SS comes up. Also, I hear someone cracking a keypad in the office. Before the SS opened the gate he yelled to "Get against the wall." Instead of spending 5-15 minutes wasting away in a jail cell I almost kill him when Rux grabs him. Then while explaining my situation, I get kicked for being afk because I never moved, only typed. I was not raiding. The whole time I just wanted to get the heck out of there after Sweetroll was uncuffed. I don't know why Alpha cracked the keypad, he may have thought me saving him meant we were raiding. I just helped Sweetroll get uncuffed, and helped Alpha 2 or 3 times. I don't know if he thought I was raiding, but after helping him I started to leave and he started cracking the door. I had kevlar to avoid being killed, and a shotgun out from helping Alpha. I never even attempted to crack the keypad or kill the president. If I had been raiding, I could've just gunned down the president, but I didn't. I ducked and hid to avoid being arrested, and was going to leave when the SS came up. I did not want to participate in the raid, but I didn't want to spend time in a jail cell. None of my actions in the raid show otherwise, I was not lying. I didn't even know half of what was going on because I was over by the gate waiting to leave.

Summarization:I've been on Fearless for quite some time now, and I've come to enjoy it. I did not participate in the raid willingly, I spent half the time waiting to escape. I didn't want anyone getting arrested, and I only killed when that was happening, I never killed unless provoked, If I was raiding I would've came in guns' a ' blazing, but I only equipped a gun to stop an arrest.

Edit: I also had an awp out at one point because a cop was shooting at me.
Clan Needed Tounge

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request Grimesdude - by Gamesdude109 - 07-03-2012, 10:11 PM
RE: Unban Request Grimesdude - by Ruxandra - 07-03-2012, 10:45 PM

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