Please unban me? It was my first day
The whole rebelspawn were completely spammed with your props, they were everywhere.
I got several reports of your prop abusing and propkilling. So I TP'd to you where I see, what I said above.

I decided to grab you with my physgun, and you ran away straight after, I did it again and you still ran away.
So I ended up freezing you and was about to confront you, when you kept asking me if I wanted money? I don't know if you wanted to bribe me or not, but I decided to not get into that.

If you promise me you will read the rules and our roleplay guide, I might lower your ban to 4 days, how does that sound?

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RE: Please unban me? It was my first day - by Fleet Admiral Zapington - 07-02-2012, 11:59 AM

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