Ban ReQuest on "Salinsky" Rdm + Propblock
There was a keypad on the wall next to the stove. I went AFK. (The stove is apparantly not in the picture, why oh why eh?)

Also, I didn't RDM.

Little edit :

I did indeed make this so no-one would be able to kill me without anyone noticing the keypad crack. seeing the server was, yet again, a total mingefest.

All I see here is yet another butthurt person. He was constantly flaming in OOC about some Taxi driver that had accidentally CDMed him when he was president. Trying to make this taxi driver Note : A QUITE NEW PLAYER pay for the CDM (In game money)

When [FL:RP] Donut and I told him off he went very insultive. I think I have a screenshot of that.

I will see if I can find it and I'll upload it then.


Found the printscreen, here is a link.

At least, I assume this is you saying those naughty words in OOC. (Pretty sure you are the same person)

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RE: Ban ReQuest on "Salinsky" Rdm + Propblock - by Salinsky - 06-30-2012, 04:00 PM

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