Ban Request Donut
Name of player:
[FL:RP] Donut


Time in GMT:
No idea, check the approved ban request on me.


Random keypad crack/raid, NLR, failRP "stealing his car back"
Nobody was RDM'ed, as seen in my approved ban request. What happened beforehand was not recorded. I'm still pretty sure you can't RP to be invisible and I was in no way obliged to participate in his ghostRP, he forced his RP on me by stalking me and harassing me and my partner.
It was a random raid since he just went and cracked the keypad, ran straight into the house to possibly check for contra and then refused to leave. Of course we shoot and crowbar you, you won't fucking leave after loads of warnings. It's easy to do ghostRP so you don't have to leave since "you're invisible." When asked to leave, he quickly got into his vehicle and drove off, thus recovering it nonRP.

[Image: Fearless.png]
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Messages In This Thread
Ban Request Donut - by Zealord - 06-29-2012, 09:33 PM
RE: Ban Request Donut - by Mahti - 06-30-2012, 02:32 PM

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