Ban request - Propblock, job abuse, etc
the tranq was because i was getting evidence of your propblock (i had the console open, for gods sake.) - and you didnt like it - this is also the reason you decided to job abuse/powergame/nlr - you did not like the fact i was getting proof of your rulebreaking.

you had recently raided me, you had already moved from your old contra contra place for a long time, and when i arrived there was no sign of any recent or ongoing building, you simply put a fence there to prevent a retalliatory raid from me (and you are an outright liar when you say otherwise), and when i went to get evidence you did not like it and tranquilized and tied me, and then proceeded to powergame/job abuse/nlr in order to arrest me for it.

an arrest which if had i been minging around i could have easily avoided at my own leisure. but it didnt happen, because i was not minging around and was getting evidence of your rulebreaking, and what you did gave even more irrefutable evidence for me to make a ban request.

anyway i have presented very clear proof of a fraction of your rulebreaking - the part which was easiest to catch and get proof of, and the pictures do not lie.

as the saying goes, "a picture is worth a thousand words", and i have 6 of them showing very clearly what happened.

unless you have proof to back your claims what you have said is worthless and means absolutely nothing.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ban request - Propblock, job abuse, etc - by jacobsk3 - 06-29-2012, 07:43 PM

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