(06-28-2012, 12:52 AM)Zealord Wrote: This made me LOL so hard<3 Well, I indeed "broke NLR" in your case after waiting 5 minutes to get my car back! But as expected, while waiting at a distance. You broke NLR after we killed you, then broke NLR again after this guy shot you. But you didn't record that you clever little flower! Next time have some actual proof, and not this..."thing".

Thanks for the laugh mate, I enjoyed it!
dude i dont know what your talking about at all, i just went to the tunnel and you pointed gun at an unemployeed so i kill you, he said thanks to me and then i started to rec, you came straight back with a machine gun and killed me, "after 30 seconds, breaking NLR", and how am i NLR as i didnt even get out of the nexus after that as i was uploading the video.

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RE: BAN REQUEST ON ZEALORD breaking NLR - by thenightshadow - 06-28-2012, 02:15 PM

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