Unabn request for specs1396 and viper and me
Your name: Gladiatior

Your ban ID: 11437

Banned by: [FL] Ruxandra

Server: v2d

Involved: Spec, Viper

Why we should unban you: Ok, First of all, BEFORE when we first started raiding the guys house, we were driving together to find a place to build together then we went to the guys house to see if anyone was there because we wanted to build there. We checked the place out from outside then all of a sudden, viper and spec get shot by the owner. So we got out guns out to defend are selves. Viper said "Bro, we don't want to fight with you" but the owner still decided to shoot at us so we raided him and his keypad didn't even work. WHY ARE WE GETTING BANNED IF HIS KEYPAD DOESNT WORK AND HE RDMED US FIRST. So this means that we DID have a reason before spec said " HURRY THINK OF SOMETHING " to viper. The reason was that he was the first one to shoot at us. That was the reason. We were just looking for a place to build. Ruxandra has mistaken. Ruxandra bothered to talk with us.

Messages In This Thread
Unabn request for specs1396 and viper and me - by Gladiator - 06-22-2012, 06:51 AM

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