Cruel Children Make School Bus Monitor Cry From Verbal Abuse
(06-21-2012, 09:32 PM)Theblackshadowofgod Wrote:
(06-21-2012, 07:59 PM)Sharkie Wrote: Burn dem with fire.

(06-21-2012, 07:54 PM)Tingfinder Wrote: If i knew these kids, i would rip them apart. I freaking hate those kids, that thinks that the more they get, the cooler they are. F*** them.

4chan already did.

These kids should just indeed be shot. And not just once.
I feel sorry for the woman.

Also there is a part2 video, where you can see the face of 2 (I believe) kids that were doing this.
2 little 12 year olds.. (no offense ;3)

But she handles... Pretty well. In "part2" she yells at one of them and he obeys.

Anyway, this is a really sad video in my opinion... She gets interviewed, and you can really see she's having trouble with it in the start of the vid.

Actually, these kids made her rich.

Shoot them?

Stuff that.

Somebody should scalp the fuc*ers...

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RE: Cruel Children Make School Bus Monitor Cry From Verbal Abuse - by Warior135 - 06-21-2012, 10:03 PM

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