Ban Request for Random Raid and DM
Name of player: ThEnIgHtShAdOw --SWE-- (James Taylor)

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:51866125

Time in GMT: Yesterday, 3 p.m. GMT. (Don't really remember.)

Server: v33x

Summary: It was a normal day on v33x, i came back to the server (i haven't played since january), the server crashed frequently, and i decided to deploy my contraband. A SS arrived with his gun on hand and started shooting everyone and cracking my keypad. I broke NLR JUST to get his name and ask him why did he do that, he said "somebody told me", asked him via OOC who, because metagaming is not allowed, and he refused to tell me. So now i am reporting him for random raiding and random deathmatch.

[Image: th_2012-06-20_00002.jpg]
[Image: th_2012-06-20_00003.jpg]
[Image: th_2012-06-20_00004.jpg]
[Image: th_2012-06-20_00005.jpg]
[Image: th_2012-06-20_00006.jpg]

Offtopic: I'm sad that the server situation is the same as 5 months ago (DDoSed and with no admins in v33x), i hope this gets better.

Messages In This Thread
Ban Request for Random Raid and DM - by Nikelin - 06-21-2012, 05:58 PM

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