Aggravated NR:2
Do look into this issue, my last thread yesterday seemed bisarr but we did hear an Admin proving the other Admin wrong, now do look into the issue carefully, ask the admin who banned me about the scenario let the Admin tell the story of what happend then compare it to mine if the Admin is right put a longer ban on me If the Admin is unsure or the story doesn't seem to fit let him/her come to this thread to talk to me.

Now I will explain about my previous bans.

Case NO:10224 Reason:
Case NO:Non valid reason to kill, doesn't seem to learn
Explanation: I fully admit to that - was new to the server had about 1 hour experience in RP.

Case NO10522: Reason:A cop ran over 2 other police officers with his car, I stopped the police man and told him to follow me up to HQ we went in to HQ then the police man ran away I told him to come again we went in again and he immedietly started running away I found him hidding somewhere at the Gas Station I told him "Follow me now to the HQ to talk to the President or I will call an admin on you for CMD'ing 2 police officers", I later shoot him in the foot to show that I was serious about his offense which lead to his Death (He was low on HP).
An Admin came told me that if an Police Officer did CMD 2 other police officer you should PM me or any other admin, I agreed and changed roles while I was waiting for the counter to go down I said "I know exactly what to do" - Which seemed to offend the admin somehow and I got banned for backseating -> which is ment by not contacting admin and killing the officer and "Not willing to learn" me saying "I know exactly what to do" seemed in the admins eyes as "Not willing to learn".
What I ment by I know exactly what to do was I know exactly what to do IE calling admin if that happends.

Case NO11161: I was captured by SS while we was roleplaying with each other was quite fun actually and the SS told me to go inside the Prop at the Mayors office I replied "No that's propblock there is no keypads on it" the SS punched me 10 times and told me to go inside, now I was prop blocked inside the prop near the Mayors office after 10 minutes I said "Guys I need to go to sleep IRL so gotta go now and one SS player removed the prop and I was trying to get down to get to my car and park it so I could logout safetly I asked the SS to open the door which the SS later tazed me several times I told the SS again I am going to bed IRL let me park my car, the SS got aggravated and called an admin saying that I wasn't roleplaying I later typed in "/sleep" and started making sleeping noises and said "Don't you understand what I am saying I need to go to bed IRL stop calling the admin", I felt that if I had leaved the server I would have been banned because I disconnected an admin when an SS needed an admin on me.
I thought ok I will wait for the admin while /sleep in the server the Admin came and was monitoring me without any discussion with me or the SS I got banned for not roleplaying and I have no idea why the Admin put in "Not obeying FearRP" since I did't going back where I died, to make is short the Admin was not analyzing the whole situation just looking at the end of it and made an decision.

Case NO11205: Reason: RDM
Explanation: SS threatened a dear friend of mine with his tazer and I as an (rebel) used the crowbar to kill the SS from preventing my friend to go to jail, but I do think I deserved that ban I did not actually made a RP discussion or RP'ing into threatening the SS before killing the SS.

Case NO11313: LAST BUT NOT LEAST the current ban Reason: RDM
Explanation: The Admin was not here when the Mayor banned the rebels from the city admin came about 4 minutes later, rebels were banned by the Mayor I was a police officer told the rebels to leave the city and explained why rebels left the city but came back I told them again "Rebels are banned from the city if you come again I will arrest you" the rebels replied "Ok! Ok! we are going." And what happends next They come back one after one I tazzed a rebel handcuffed him and requested for an arrest from the mayor, the mayor said "I can't warrant Mobel because of the charachters in his name" Mobel was actually named Möbel with a Ö which the President did't have on his keyboard after a while rebels started gathering Möbel who was arrested - I told Möbel to change his name so the President could warrant him after I said that a rebel took a crowbar and started hitting me, I tazed that rebel and handcuffed him to requesting an warrant for the rebel for assaulting officer with crowbar, again the President said "I can't warrant him either he got that strange charachter in his name", Again that rebel also had an Ö in his name resulting in rest of the rebels gathering near me 2 police officer came and I was relived since it was hard to handle this many players alone Officers told the rebels that they must leave the city now because they are banned from the city! Now since the President could not warrant them because of their strange charachters in their name The officers escorted them out from the city and removed the handcuffs.
Now after awhile I started up my car and I started my patroll I stop next to a road with my radar gun and saw a blue car going faster then the speed limit outside the city I chased the player and told him to pull over the player refused and started cursing to me as followed "Fuck you", "Fuck you cop" I chassed him and crashed into his car sideways leading both our cars to stop I need went outside and pulled up my pistol and said "Get out of the car now or I will resort to violence!", The player returned with saying "Never you fucking cop!" and I started shooting at the players car as he drove away into a tunnel, I reloaded and went inside my car and started my chase but after 20 seconds I lost his tail and decided to move back into the city - What happends next is that an exact same blue car looking identical went by I said "Stop the car now!" and the player did not respond and I shoot 3-4 shoots into the vehicle the car stoped and I went towards it and I see a woman stepping out and said "What is going on?" and I told her my condolences/being sorry for shooting at her and that I would pay her money enough to buy medkits and explained that her car looked identical to another car which I was chasing and when I wanted to give her money IE /givemoney I saw the blue car with the rebel in it the same rebel that I was chasing and I immediately started shooting at the rebel since he wasn't going to stop I knew he wasn't going to stop because I told him to stop at the beginning of the chase and I was saying the exactly same thing as the rebel went by me while I was trying to give the woman money, I shoot and I killed the rebel next thing the server crashes - I come in see Adam Savage started singing about his name and he came to me and was typing something and I got banned.

Now I am 100% sure that I got banned because the Admin who was there at the time did't know about the past of me and the rebel (Speeding and wasn't pulling over) and just saw that I randomly killed a player.

Now the Admin knows the back-story of what happened and the Admin will surely reconsider the ban.

Random text: Now i've noticed that in the most cases i've been banned is because the admin banning me did't look into the whole story of what actually happened and why I made actions in-game as I did them I would highly recommend the Admin thinking of banning me should talk to me and the victim or me and the current situation before making any decisions so I would't have to make a new thread every-time I get banned because an admin did't look into it fully, It's a waste of both my time and the Admins time, I and surely other admins would appreciate if the admins banning me would look into the issue with the player getting banned and the victims and talk to them ingame to see what actually happened and get every-side of the story before making an decision about he ban, because one admin did't look into the issue fully all the other admins have to read and review these kinds of threads.
Make players and Admins happy by doing this, that would be most appreciative.

Messages In This Thread
Aggravated NR:2 - by Index - 06-19-2012, 08:08 PM
RE: Aggravated NR:2 - by beflok - 06-19-2012, 08:37 PM
RE: Aggravated NR:2 - by Temar - 06-19-2012, 09:08 PM
RE: Aggravated NR:2 - by Index - 06-19-2012, 09:54 PM
RE: Aggravated NR:2 - by Temar - 06-19-2012, 09:58 PM
RE: Aggravated NR:2 - by Index - 06-19-2012, 10:11 PM
RE: Aggravated NR:2 - by Temar - 06-19-2012, 10:28 PM
RE: Aggravated NR:2 - by Index - 06-19-2012, 10:50 PM
RE: Aggravated NR:2 - by Temar - 06-21-2012, 10:00 PM
RE: Aggravated NR:2 - by beflok - 06-22-2012, 07:24 PM

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