Unban request Unfair?
You should learn how to RP decently. When you are just spouting out ooc info in IC chat that is NOT rping well.

Dont threaten people and say have a nice ban because you are not an admin so dont try and act like you have some authority.

You running around because you are mad while there are 4 cops with guns around you refusing to be arrested is very fail RP. Take responsibility for your actions this will be your last time Fail RPing I hope because if I see another video of you encouraging fail RP it will be a longer ban.

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Messages In This Thread
Unban request Unfair? - by Shock Wave - 06-12-2012, 02:59 PM
RE: Unban request Unfair? - by beflok - 06-13-2012, 05:49 PM

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