Banned for a Month[Joey Skylynx]
Your name: Joey Skylynx

Your ban ID: 10978

Banned by: Killjoy

Server: All

I'm not entirely sure myself, but Blackdog and Aoix may be able to put in a word regarding the situation.

Why we should unban you:
As far as I was told by Soul, I was banned on the grounds that I was Random Raiding, Fail RP'ing, and once again... My ban was added ontop of 12 Previous Bans.
My knowledge of what had happened:
In my greater understanding of why I was banned.. I was banned for performing an anti-contrabase tactic in which I befriend a player and act as a dog or cat.
The player usually knows that I'm still a human, but the other members of the contrafort go, "OH HE'S A DOG" and let me in. Once I'm inside I'll occasionally do things to gain trust. Sometimes hiring a sniper to do mock-shots while I call out the sniper position, telling them when their contra prints, and giving them food and such.
Notice the key here? I'm telling them things as a human being... While acting as a dog.
Now during these periods I'm usually gathering intel for FUMUKU Security, PD/SS, or someone which hires me. Some missions I do can take hours, and usually contain some serious RP while gathering evidence for the people hiring/working with me.

In the case of what I got banned for... I RP'ed a 'Dog Entity' named Lil Motz, and got into Prostos contra base.
After gathering enough evidence on Prosto and reporting everything to the Police/SS... We made our move. The SS/Police began at the gate, and I opened the doors letting them in, and they arrested Prosto and destroyed his contra. When getting ready to leave Beflok teleported to me, and brought Prosto and asked why I random raided, and such. He had to go though for some RL Troubles, and the situation went cold for roughly two hours - three hours. He never came back and talked to me on the matter and I only found out I was banned when I looked at the banned list.

Messages In This Thread
Banned for a Month[Joey Skylynx] - by Joey Skylynx - 06-12-2012, 07:59 PM
RE: Banned for a Month[Joey Skylynx] - by Killjoy - 06-13-2012, 09:20 AM
RE: Banned for a Month[Joey Skylynx] - by Killjoy - 06-13-2012, 10:59 AM
RE: Banned for a Month[Joey Skylynx] - by beflok - 06-13-2012, 05:20 PM
RE: Banned for a Month[Joey Skylynx] - by Killjoy - 06-15-2012, 10:54 AM

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