Unban request Unfair?
Your name:[FL:RP]demon

Your ban ID:10949

Banned by:[FL] Beflok

Server:I wasnt on any server


Why we should unban you:Ok so i posted a ban request And Well i got random arrested i was mad i was building an awesome rp i invited like 10 people We were about to rp and ss comes and stArts to say i shot with a sniper cause 3 people that hate me said i did it Then He bringes me to court And Starts doing stuff and i said Omg this is so random ur getting banned and such And beflok looked at my ban request And banned me 5 days While i said Random arrest you getting banned And then the 2 cops said lets kill him infront of nexus and ss said Ok you got 2 choses to die Gas chamber or fire chamber or something And i said screw you fail rper
He cant punes me if i dind do anything all he had Was 3 haters that hated me that aint proof?And i was just unbanned from my other Ban I was just about to join Fl Wel my pc dind start yet came on laptop to see my ban requestes If it got accepted or approved and i saw i got banned 5 days for saying failrper you getting banned...? can u atleast shorten it to 1 day or something? Please

Messages In This Thread
Unban request Unfair? - by Shock Wave - 06-12-2012, 02:59 PM
RE: Unban request Unfair? - by beflok - 06-13-2012, 05:49 PM

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