Unban Request for Kalastaja
Your name: Kalastaja

Your ban ID: 10936

Banned by: Killjoy

Server: V2D

Involved: Ruxandra,Killjoy,Isäaurinkoinen,German(i cant remeber the numbers behind hes name) and some other people on ooc

Why we should unban you: Is expressing your political view against fearless rules? I know that nazi flags will offend people BUT in this situation it was about ideology where nazism is the contrary to communism where everybody's equal. Many invoke on communism only being dictatorism and conquering countrys but its not about mass graves and mass murder like in nazism. Why doesn't fearless have freedom of speech? If it doesn't then add a rule that says talking about political views and your opinions is not allowed. We just had a humble soviet bar where we would serve stuff like Heart Vodka Heart and food. And to continue on comminism there are many different kinds like stalinism,marxism,leninism etc. These variations differ with each other and i don't see how communism offends people but capitalism does not. Capitalism has killed millions for its own benefit so i can make any european countrys flag or even north americas military organization flag. And if you ever speak about racism what killjoy did was racism. (and remember even if gaming promotes racism it doesn't give you the right to be racist)

Killjoy only gave me one warning so fix the misleading info on ban!
Strength doesn't come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request for Kalastaja - by Kalastaja - 06-11-2012, 10:33 PM
RE: Unban Request for Kalastaja - by Killjoy - 06-12-2012, 12:10 AM

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