Unban? Sorry if this looks like spam but I'm not very good with forums and stuff
(06-11-2012, 12:16 AM)Epic Rofl Wrote: What I mean is we never ment to violate server rules, I thought this would be a matter for us to be arrested in server, not banned. Anyway, what's the point in having a mafia, or rebels if you can't do bad stuff? When I said I did it for fun we diddnt mean it in a trolling way. Sorry.

We both know this is a complete lie.
Funny you mention the mafia and rebels as they have Nothing to do with this, as both of you were GUNDEALERS.

Also, just because you are mafia or rebel, does not mean you can go around and kill everybody.

Never meant to break the server rules? You didn't care at all, even when we physgunned you.

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RE: Unban? Sorry if this looks like spam but I'm not very good with forums and stuff - by Fleet Admiral Zapington - 06-11-2012, 12:30 AM

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