Unban? Sorry if this looks like spam but I'm not very good with forums and stuff
[b]Player name(s) (Mother Teresa) (eli0t)

[b]Your ban ID:](10651)

[b]Banned by: ] ([FL] PrivateToast) ([FL] Zzzzap)

[b]Server: rp_EvoCityv33x

[b]Involved: (eli0t.)

[b]Why we should unban you: (I didn't think my actions would result in a ban, it was in the spirit of roleplay and the police should have done something about it. Also the admin may have thaught i was Trolling. This was not my intention.)

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Unban? Sorry if this looks like spam but I'm not very good with forums and stuff - by Epic Rofl - 06-10-2012, 11:35 PM

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