Police in England - Something I read in the papers.
(06-10-2012, 12:02 PM)Faustie Wrote: Because the armed squads and helicopters you described are reserved for only the most serious of matters, i.e. shootings. The reason they aren't deployed to a shed theft? Because it's a bloody shed theft, and there's no point putting others at risk because the armed squad is out arresting two lowly shed burglars and wasting £10k on helicopter fuel, it's expensive.

They were also probably forced to divert cars from many other calls to this incident because it was made so severe by the fact two men were shot dead, so the police were forced to pull officers busy with other, now less severe calls, to deal with it.

The police are ridiculously low on money at the moment because David Cameron is a f*cking tool, and have a limited number of officers available and a huge amount of calls every night - It's called a f*cking triage system, and they're having to juggle a few available officers and equipment between 5 times as many calls. Understand? A shed theft is ridiculously low on the list, especially if anything valuable enough is stolen CCTV + fingerprintsetc can always be checked after. A shooting is top tier, so that is why they all diverted calls and responded.

Nice job insulting our already extremely stretched, money-drawn police force who do the best job they can. The old man should be arrested for diverting cars and thousands of pounds from other, obviously more important calls which the other officers were busy with and forced away from. He is the kind of scum who is wasting our tax money and damaging this country, and you support him? F*ck you.

I wasn't insulting our Nation Wide police force, more my Local police force as they (in all honesty) do absolutely naff all. Today I read how a police officer was arrested for fraud and another two are nder investigation related to the fraud.

I understand that Mr High and Might Cameron is completely fucking up the country on a 60 second basis but there is no excuse when we have 4 police stations in my town that are practically 5-10 minutes away from each other. I've had trouble with the police before when a friend was assaulted and when i reported it I was told "An officer will be there in 10 - 15 minutes"... THREE HOURS we waited and it turns out they were doing a shift swap. I work in a Mental Health hospital as a Security Officer and im sorry but it takes me 15 minutes to hand over the daily events and what is to be expected on a nightshift/dayshift.

Also want to point out that this thread should have actually been called Police in Teesside - Not England.

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RE: Police in England - Something I read in the papers. - by VerteX - 06-10-2012, 07:24 PM

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