Unban Request and ban request for Earl & friends
Your name: SniperNoSniping
Your ban ID: 10712
Banned by: [FL] Killjoy
Server: rp_EvoCity v2d
Involved: [FL:RP] Earl, [FL:RP]Brownbag, Chimpballsā„¢, iginger10, tazor

Why we should unban you:
I'll cite the rules for this one
"2. When you build custom doors use the SDoor mod or fading door tool and place Keypads and/or buttons on both sides."
"3. Keypads, buttons or anything else have to be visible and accessible by other players."
The third is a catch for idiots who are both blind and unimaginative. Not my fault you can't see it, captain.

I had 2 buttons. The 1st Wired to the stoves gas dial and the 2nd angled at the top half of the foreleg ((Both no less than a foot away from the fixture))
1st button. Stove top w/ activity
2nd button. Moved down to exaggerate its position.

Both easily accessible and in plain sight. OH NO I DON'T SEE THE BIG RED "DON'T PRESS THIS BUTTON" ANYWHERE. :]

Let's dabble into a little RP here.

Right before the event of the break in I was killed behind my counter by these band of badges wearing hooligans. I was on my lunch break for just about 4 minutes and they felt it was fitting to blow my head open. ~1~Not arrested, not handcuffed, just killed. No reason given. RDM.

Like the badass crouching tiger hidden dragon descendant that I am, I respawned 5 minutes later to find them rummaging around my shop told them "Get out now, Mproyee's ONRY!" To which they handcuffed and arrested me. Yet, I was still in my shop. Glitch or am I effortlessly tapping into hidden powers? At this point they were making my shop a mess with their dirty feet and no shower lifestyle. Then officer ~2~brownbag was shooting at my refrigerator making the cooling units inside explode, some fine dishes caught in the cross fire. Metagaming. I'll send the repair bill to the mayor after. Wasteful!

The buttons were in plain sight... seeing as they were boasting about a keypad they were LOOKING FOR THE WRONG THING TO BEGIN WITH. I don't just let anyone into my freezer, the FDA would be climbing up my ass with spiked boots if I let that happen. The FDA would use my pelvis as a kick starter! I run an A ranked resturant, safe and delicious food and well placed contraptions are ancient chinese secret.

Some of that ^ can be seen in earl's feminine venacular tattle tale video. About 7 minutes later 4guys come back to my shop [FL:RP] Earl, Chimpballsā„¢, iginger10, tazor.
2 were unemployed (haha no job)
1 was a fireman
1 other unknown.
The 2 unemployed (the attackers) attempt to bruteforce their way into the employees only area. I tell them "You no work here, MPROYEES ONRY!"

~4~1 Tried to feint/ragdoll himself under the counter top/serving area glass while the other pushed him with props. Earl and his buddy were caught doing this much later on the server in another incident and were banned for it. I closed the CS door to end their stupid charade.

They then lockpicked my employees only door. The one crowbars me to death, ~2~~3~The other molotavs my store front, and the other gets rid of the fire after the walls die. Premeditated metagaming. Mindless Molotav.. They only caught my counter on fire, my food supply survived that attack somehow.

They metagamed to destroy my store.
Abused ingame mechanics to bypass barriers.
Acted on stupidity to destroy my belongings and property.
Check the logs.

~1~Do not RDM only kill with a RP reason. &. You may not kill players because of their clan or their job.
~2~Do not Metagame. "Metagame: Gaps between player knowledge and character knowledge which the player acts upon"
~3~Don't throw molotovs without an RP reason.

Gripes with the server:
Everytime someone can not find a button or keypad they call an admin to hold their hand and let them in. Whats the point of having a door, with perfectly functional buttons and keypads, if having the creditably of being stupid and calling an admin to buy into a gullible act to open it for you?

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request and ban request for Earl & friends - by Sniper - 06-07-2012, 12:01 AM

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