Unban request [SW] Salinsky
Your name: [SW] Salinsky
Your ban ID: 10375
Banned by: [FL] Temar

Server: Both V2D and V33X

Involved: Me.

Why we should unban you:
I have made an honest mistake by abusing the toolgun, it was a huge mingefest on the V33X server and my annoyance got the better of me, causing me to join in, which was extremely stupid of me to do.
I apologize to everyone who experienced inconvenience because of me and I hope my ban can be lowered.
I lied several times, which also was not case improving, I was too mad because I got banned, and [FL:RP] Helen didn't get banned (Now he is banned, luckily, which calmed me down a lot)
I have been a very unreasonable person and I really regret how I acted.

The case around my ban etcetera got way out of hand, which was not what I hoped for.

So here goes, I, [SW] Salinsky, sincerely apologize to all the staff of [FL] and all the affected players, for my deeds.
It will not happen again in the future

Temar gave me permission to make another unban request.

Messages In This Thread
Unban request [SW] Salinsky - by Salinsky - 06-03-2012, 12:32 PM
RE: Unban request [SW] Salinsky - by Temar - 06-03-2012, 01:43 PM

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