I quit ***, i'd like to play on FL now.
(06-02-2012, 12:04 AM)Killjoy Wrote: STEAM_0:1:40273675 has 6 bans on record,

2591 Minging with crowbar, insulting and ignoring an admin and threatening lack of RP
2564 Dont hostage players in public
2553 Frozen props on road. Read the freaking rules...
1406 No freaking Nazi Swastika's on here
1349 FailRP
1314 racism in OOC

So I'm looking at the history of an overly aggressive, FailRPing, propabusing racist who also assisted a hostile community with stealing from FL.

I can see your point. The minging with crowbar is what i've said in the thread, its all explained. Hostaging in public was when i was new to RP. Frozen props is because i was new aswell. Nazi swastikas is incorrect, i put a guy i know irl and behind him a nazi flag, he was hiding the swastika. FailRP i dont really know what i have done, and racism i once called some one "n*****". I was new to the server then, and i told you i'm fucking done with NV, is that too hard to understand? I believe i should get a second chance, after all i was new to gmod and RP at all, its been a year now, people change.

Quote:2723 [FL:RP] Smilenator [NL] STEAM_0:1:26870116 Extreme faildriving + ramming ambulance + punching ambulance. Huge number of bans
34 days, 22 hours
[FL] Faustie
2595 [FL:RP] Smilenator [NL] STEAM_0:1:26870116 RDM
[FL] Sniperwolf
2341 =[LOST]= Smilenator [NL] STEAM_0:1:26870116 Un-RP fence-props.
[FL] Shark
2120 Smilenator [NL] STEAM_0:1:26870116 Random dildo prop on the street + in peoples mouths
[FL] Sniperwolf
2077 Smilenator [NL] STEAM_0:1:26870116 NLR
[FL] Storm
2011 Smilenator [NL] STEAM_0:1:26870116 Metagaming over Steam
[FL] Shark
1989 Smilenator [NL] STEAM_0:1:26870116 That is NLR.
[FL] Shark
1873 smilenator STEAM_0:1:26870116 Fear RP, previous reports of failure.
[FL] Shark
1793 smilenator STEAM_0:1:26870116 I said I took your radio and still you use radio to ask for help
[FL:CSS] s.J.
1760 smilenator STEAM_0:1:26870116 Proppsuh
[FL] Shark
1685 smilenator STEAM_0:1:26870116 RDM
[FL] Pinkie Pie
1440 smilenator STEAM_0:1:26870116 Disconnecting to get car back
[FL] Pinkie Pie
1388 smilenator STEAM_0:1:26870116 Proppush
[FL] Nudelholz
1200 smilenator STEAM_0:1:26870116 FailRP + not talking to an admin and running off.
[FL] Nudelholz
1180 smilenator STEAM_0:1:26870116 Rejoining for your car.
[FL] Nudelholz
1172 smilenator STEAM_0:1:26870116 Asking to be killed because of low HP isnt allowed
[FL] Pinkie Pie
1165 smilenator STEAM_0:1:26870116 random props and proppush
[FL] SoulRipper

He was given an unban for 8 months after 17 bans, i've had only 5 and i was banned for more than 8 months, so why cant you unban me?

Messages In This Thread
RE: I quit Nova, i'd like to play on FL now. - by RedNinja - 06-02-2012, 09:36 AM

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