I quit ***, i'd like to play on FL now.
Quote:Your name: RedNinja

Your ban ID: 2591

Banned by: s.J

Server: rp_evocity_v2p (Old Evocity33x) i think.

Involved: Me, some random guy and s.J

Why we should unban you:

I remember this very good; One day, at june 2011~, i've played with my friends on Fearless.
I was setting up a nice house with my friend Blat. Suddenly, this random guy tries to CDM me.
I felt like shit man, i'm going to die, so i pulled out my crowbar that was unholstered already,
i killed him, and i ran away into my house to heal myself. Suddenly, s.J pulls me to a roof with
his physgun, and tells me, "What the freaking hell do you think you're freaking doing?" I told him
what happened, he said, "Dont do that again", and killed me with a deagle. I told him to bring me
back, and i told him why does he think he can kill me? I wouldnt mind being kicked, but the killing
by an admin with a weapon seemed too abusive to me. He said something like "I can do whatever i freaking want",
and i started swearing him, saying "You know what, *** off". Then he banned me for: "Suck my balls you little ***",
after a few minutes SoulRipper edited the ban reason. This was almost a year ago, i believe we could all forgive eachother,
and i'm sorry for judging you guys, you're doing a good job and i think s.J went abit too far.

http://fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=13740 This is the thread, i was told i can't be unbanned due to me being a staff of nova. I am no longer affilated with nova, i am not a part of it anymore. (link deleted). Change the 0.

I would like this unban request being reviewed again.

Messages In This Thread
I quit ***, i'd like to play on FL now. - by RedNinja - 06-01-2012, 08:48 PM

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