Ban request on gregnator,Colindas,Puree
(05-30-2012, 03:30 PM)wesleyg Wrote: All i see is you recording breaking NLR YOURSELF? and than you got killed from behind and you didnt even saw who it was. couldhave been anyone. so please

I had to break nlr To show minges proof and yes u cant see who killed me from back IM still uploading Are u blind cant u read
And u wasnt in this So please dont comment here or u can get a warning level...

(05-30-2012, 03:33 PM)gregnator Wrote: Cry baby, I got screenies and videos and i'm going to upload them, and then the admins can see what happened before this!

You insulted my mother by saying something like: Je kanker moeder idioot.

That means: Your mother has cancer, So yes i'm upset!
Plus the whole server was fucked up all cars where flying and shit, no rp at all, I screenshoted your insults and video taped your dumb ass rule breaking, so you get mad you come to me and try to get me banned for "not doing my job" go play my little pony you are far to young for fearless and whole 33x HATES you, i got screenshots because You annoy everyone with your childish bullshit!

Get bent, because I swear to god, I can't believe that admins actually allow you on the server.

Sure sure

Cant believe they believe ur lies...Oh and stop getting ur friends to lie for u ...

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RE: Ban request on gregnator,Colindas,Puree - by Shock Wave - 05-30-2012, 03:33 PM

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