Funeral Event
Hello Everyone
I have been thinking since there was nothing like this before I decided to make a fisrt (or i just havent seen it before) Funeral Event, based on a real Person, recent death of Chuck Brown! The Godfather of Go-Go music
[Image: Chuck_Brown_Death.jpg]
Event is very short, but it will be long way beforfe it start
1) since i am banned
2) at long last i will get a normal holidays for 10 days
So basically Event will start either June of 10th at 20-21:00 GMT
or June 11th at the same time

The only requirements for you are following:
Everyone must come in Suits, smart dress
And no micspamming during ceremony, better turn it off

What I will be doing?
I am the preist and the singer (for burrial not the Dead one) at the same
Basically entire ceremony is held on me
And what i would really love to, is for any Admin to come in for event
1) i will feel safer that my event will not be destroyed by another Minge Fest
2) We need a special guests

And the last thing. Since i am a really awful builder in Garrys mod, for example all i can do is a flying bathtub with wings (which will not fly) I will require some builders for this event
In the form below add a NOTE that you wish to be a builder.

AND! we need a bouncer, who will look aftr gates, so that only people in list are getting in

As I mentioned before, event wont be long
10-15 mins is maximum time

and it will probably will happen in Forests near the Villas
Since it is a long way to go i cannot decide which exact day it will be
The thread will be updated

All I need is a people to sign up here below by using Following Template

Name (In-game):


Steam Name:

Why do you want to be apart of this event?

Thank you all

Messages In This Thread
Funeral Event - by Dr Tomorrow - 05-30-2012, 08:25 AM
RE: Funeral Event - by Enzyme - 05-30-2012, 06:03 PM

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