An unusual story about an unlikely coincidence
So I'd like to start of by saying; I got my drivers license today. Woooo (Kinda relevant to the story)

It all started out as a normal day. Sleep, school, homework.
After homework, I logged onto V2D and finally was able to find a seller of a Corvette that I've been seeking to buy for some time. We happily negotiated a price and I was the excited owner of a new Corvette. Of course I go outside and spawn it to drive in. It spawned with a yellow color.

So as I mentioned, I got my drivers licence today. Finally a pathway to desired freedom. I couldn't be happier. Of course, as soon as I got home, I had to finally test my new freedom. I got in the car and planned on going on a little route around my house, about a 10 minute drive. So I was all set up and took off.

It was raining outside.

About halfway through my route, I spotted a car a pretty decent length in front of me coming in the opposite direction. I payed no attention to it.

That is until I realized it was a Yellow Corvette.
What a ridiculous coincidence isn't it? I haven't seen a corvette in my city ever. Not many rich people live her. The fact I see my first one, the day I get my license, am driving by myself, and had bought a yellow corvette on Fearless.

Most likely.
Can somebody please, remove these, cutleries, from my knees.

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An unusual story about an unlikely coincidence - by Gnoll94 - 05-23-2012, 12:53 AM

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