Darkshadow's Unban Request
Your name: [FL:RP] DarkShadow.

Your ban ID: 9839.

Banned by: Temar.

Server: Probably both, but I've only tried connecting to v2d.

Involved: Me and the sorry guy I ran over. I can not remember his name.

Why we should unban you: I've had a big break from FL, and I just recently joined to see if I could find someone to RP with. After a while of searching, I couldn't find anyone so I just got in my car and started driving around. It came to one point where I was so bored I was just driving around , refilling gas and driving more.

I noticed some guys, I think it was two, at the parking lot opposite of the radio station / pool. I stopped there and started talking to them, while one of the guys on the outside started clicking "E" and puching my car, which was locked. I called him some nasty stuff including Fa***t, and I also dropped the N-bomb. He ran about 20-30 feet in front of my car and I just hit the gas pedal and drove over him and away. A few seconds after I hit the ban screen and was disconnected.

That's the story, now for the motivation.

I'm not really like that. I enjoy roleplaying alot, and I've never had a ban before (I think I have around 100+ hours played). I have a bad habit from my buddies of refering one another as Ni***r. When I'm on FL servers, I try to leave my regular active vocabulary at the loading screen, but sometimes I forget. I haven't roleplayed alot with the admins on FL, but if I had, you would know I'm the kind of guy that you could randomly walk up to and I would start roleplaying with you if you confronted me with something I could roleplay along with.

At the end of the day, I'm a human as everyone else, and I make mistakes. I'm asking for an unban because I like the FL community. I was acting like a douche, I'm really sorry, it won't happen again.

- Dark

Messages In This Thread
Darkshadow's Unban Request - by Darkshadow - 05-21-2012, 04:42 AM
RE: Darkshadow's Unban Request - by Holdem - 05-22-2012, 02:34 PM
RE: Darkshadow's Unban Request - by Darkshadow - 05-22-2012, 07:53 PM
RE: Darkshadow's Unban Request - by beflok - 05-24-2012, 01:05 AM
RE: Darkshadow's Unban Request - by Temar - 05-24-2012, 07:34 AM

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