Unban Request Hinderlijk Persoon
Your name: Hinderlijk persoon

Your ban ID: 9944

Banned by: No idea, it says "Console"

Server: rp_evocity_v33x

Involved:: a random Special Service, an Police Officer, And me and the Admin.

Why we should unban you: The reason says im banned for propushing, but someone placed his car and we got stuck then someone spawned a prop "not me" to get us out i think and then we all died cause of he pushed to hard with the prop. I think it's not fair to ban me because of someone else that pushed the car, so i hope i will get unbanned or atleast an lower ban time.

Here's my steam ID if it's needed: (STEAM_0:0:24750459)

Greetings Hinderlijk Persoon.

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request Hinderlijk Persoon - by QuadraX - 05-18-2012, 06:32 PM
RE: Unban Request Hinderlijk Persoon - by QuadraX - 05-19-2012, 02:30 PM
RE: Unban Request Hinderlijk Persoon - by QuadraX - 05-19-2012, 11:03 AM

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