Unban Request - MaxiMax
Your name: [FL:RP] MaxiMax

Your ban ID: 9854

Banned by: Beflok

Server: v33x

Involved: Eggtooth and Dr.Freeman was there.

Time when the ban occurred: 05-17-2012, 09:24

Why we should unban you: Beflok was continuously arguing with me that I should remove the top part of the cover in the "Doomfort" that he basically changed so much it looked like something he made himself.

I even had a theory he was friends with one or two of the raiders or even tried to get us killed for his entertainment.

But when he said we were supposed to remove the top part from the cover that I have a picture of in the bottom of this unban request. But when I was sick of arguing and said: "Im sick of this." and removed the top part.
A minute later he banned me for: "arguing with admin constantly, admin disrespect, insinuating I am being bias based on players"
And I did not say he was a "bias" or any other disrespectful word.

Here is what the console said and I will highlight probably the most important stuff:

isper) Maxim A. Cherlin: I was talking about the balcony
(Local OOC) [FL] beflok: guys do you not understand what a doom for is?
(Local OOC) [FL] beflok: they have almost no space to shoot you
(Local OOC) [FL] beflok: whereas you can just blast the whole hallway
(Local OOC) [FL:RP] MaxiMax: This isn't a Doom fort. -.-
(Local OOC) [FL] beflok: that is a doom fort..
(Local OOC) [FL:RP] MaxiMax: How is this a doom fort?
(Local OOC) [FL] beflok: yes it is... they literally have almost NO room to shoot at you...

(Broadcast) Casper Richardsen: laws coming soon
(Local OOC) [FL] beflok: just use the bottom one
(Local OOC) [FL:RP] MaxiMax: They can stand on the step even.
(Local OOC) [FL:RP] MaxiMax: It isn't fair how you are trying to get us killed.

Jack Haig: dont argue- just remove.
(Local OOC) [FL] beflok: you really want to accuse me of something? I see a doom fort I
am going to delete it i dont care who it is

(Local OOC) [FL:RP] MaxiMax: I bet you guys are friends with beflok or something, Getting him to help you guys.
(Local OOC) Eggtooth: don't argue, just remove.
(Local OOC) [FL] beflok: why do you keep complaining and arguing
Maxim A. Cherlin: ./Im sick of this.
*** Maxim A. Cherlin takes out a Crowbar from their backup.
(Local OOC) [FL:RP] MaxiMax: Are we supposed to remove only the cover?
(<3) (OOC) [FL:RP] Rozzok James: oh my god both presidents
Maxim A. Cherlin: THEY ARE GOING IN
[@effects\effect_mad_gunsmoke\init.lua:41] Tried to use a NULL entity!
You received $185 salary. $15 paid to tax.
(<3) (OOC) [FL:RP] Camplet: put them in the gas chamber Tounge
You earned $250 for destroying contraband.
*** Ray Freeman takes out a Lockpick from their backup.
You earned $250 for destroying contraband.
You earned $140 for destroying contraband. (x4)
(Advert) Richard Hammond: i want to sell my golf for 15k
Samantha Green: Handcuf him
(Yell) Maxim A. Cherlin: I SURRENDER
Spiller Pandaen |DK| har forlatt spillet (Disconnect by user).
*** Dane Morri starts to handcuff Ray Freeman.
*** Dane Morri clicks both cuffs over each hand therefore, finishing handcuffing Ray
Spiller vertti25 har blitt med i spillet.
*** Maxim A. Cherlin Puts my hands behind my head
(OOC) [FL:RP] Dr.Freeman: fail cop raiding with criminal
[FL] beflok global banned [FL:RP] MaxiMax<STEAM_0:1:39110396> for time 2 Days
(arguing with admin constantly, admin disrespect, insinuating I am being bias based on
[FL:RP] MaxiMax now has 2 Bans.
benjamin 'beflok' befryn: !gban maxi 2d "arguing with admin constantly, admin
disrespect, insinuating I am being bias based on players"

Disconnect: Kicked by Console : Reason at fearlessrp.net.

And this was how the cover looked like: http://oi50.tinypic.com/qov9c8.jpg
How would I know I wasn't allowed to make cover my way?
(And yes, this is made in single player but Beflok could agree that the cover looked exactly like this)

And after I did what he told me to do he still banned me.
I think that this was really unfair.

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request - MaxiMax - by User 5190 - 05-17-2012, 09:59 AM
RE: Unban Request - MaxiMax - by Ruxandra - 05-17-2012, 10:50 AM
RE: Unban Request - MaxiMax - by User 5190 - 05-17-2012, 01:17 PM
RE: Unban Request - MaxiMax - by Eggtooth - 05-17-2012, 11:12 AM
RE: Unban Request - MaxiMax - by beflok - 05-17-2012, 03:24 PM

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