Unban Request on Skeptical Sue.
Your name: [NoF] Skeptical Sue
Your ban ID: 9765

Banned by: Ruxandra

Server: V2D.
Involved: [FL:RP] SpagettiCat, and Ruxandra

Why we should unban you: Well, my story - Spagetti cat went around randomly roping EVERYONE, He roped like 4 or 5 police officers, completely randomly, on the street(including me) Okay, he was banned for 6 hours (only), Next, someone unties me, and I see I have completely no SWEPs, then I do '@ Please slay me, I have completely no sweps' ... I kept waiting, noone slayed me, so I attempted to prop kill my self (Yes, it is wrong) and I suceeded, and it turns out Ruxandra was right there, standing around, not slaying me, not doing anything about it, but just spectetating if I do something wrong appearantley... And so, I got banned for 24 hours for not harming ANYONE, but SpagettiCat got banned for 6 hours
from completely ruining the Police Squad roleplay.
[Image: 11io0t3.jpg]
Thank you for bothering to read through this.

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request on Skeptical Sue. - by Skeptical - 05-14-2012, 05:36 PM
RE: Unban Request on Skeptical Sue. - by Ruxandra - 05-14-2012, 06:30 PM
RE: Unban Request on Skeptical Sue. - by Ruxandra - 05-14-2012, 08:16 PM

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