Lethalblade Unbann Request
Your name: [Cube] Lethalblade

Your ban ID: 9375

Banned by: To Many Banns

Server: Console

Involved: No one.

[b]Why we should unban you: Before I was permenantly banned from fearless , i was new to the role playing community i thort this roleplay was about earning money and raiding.

But i later figured out on other servers while i was banned , Roleplaying isent all about the money , its about developing your character and creating a whole new world.

Fearless means alot to me in my roleplay life , because its the first roleplay i have ever joined , thats why sometimes i made the admins facepalm , as i was new to roleplay i think i deserve a better chance because i will turn over my attitude my roleplay style , i will turn this around because this rp is worth everything to me , every time i joined this server i thort relieved to see a successful community , with the people defending the city and people on-going day to day life within the game.

If i was unbanned i will return to this rp but i will think about this rp in a hole diffrent perspective , i wont look at it as a huge raid server , i will look it , as it is , Evo-City.

Best wishes and the best of luck.
Thank you.
If we do not end war , war will end us.
-H.G Wells

Messages In This Thread
Lethalblade Unbann Request - by blastedhyperion - 05-12-2012, 10:37 AM
RE: Lethalblade Unbann Request - by Killjoy - 05-12-2012, 07:07 PM

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