The second black dog got on the server you, yusuf, and fetus decided to troll him. He is already really sad about losing an admin position and then what do you do? You instantly find him and start harrasing him. I told you 3 over voice, local ooc and OOC. I gave you several warnings to leave him alone. Where is the whole entire footage? Because you 3 were harrasing him for a good hour. You should have some sympathy/ respect for people even if you dont like them. He tranqed you guys so he could be alone in peace but you just kept having to come back didnt you?

I almost want to ban you guys for more time just for posting this acting like you are the victims. 100% false show some compassion for people ffs.

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Messages In This Thread
Blackdog - by xxxxxpetey - 05-11-2012, 03:55 AM
RE: Blackdog - by BlackDog - 05-11-2012, 04:08 AM
RE: Blackdog - by beflok - 05-11-2012, 04:12 AM

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