STEAM_0:0:21958421 - FightingDeed, STEAM_0:0:37285130 C Vero.
On big cases, like informing you, I used text chat as to inform you for sure. I used my microphone for a good 30 minutes. As you can see in the fraps. You also respond in the video to me, so I suggest you cut the crap.

To be completely fair, the Video Shows me killing you unarmed. From what I saw I was taking fire from Fightingdeed when you started building props infront of him. I Fired towards you and you pulled a I believe Deagle, when I was shooting at Fightingdeed. You started building around yourself, in combat (One more offence), while I was attacking - You got shot down, and as can be clearly seen you return to me
I quote ; What the fuck did you demoted and RDM us, ya fucking Nigg *Mic Cuts* Fucking Lady Garden (T*at, *=w)

Before Admins Take Actions, and If There Was To Be Asked Questions About The Fact That They Broke The Rules. I Will Personally Use Over 7 Hours More Rendering My Raw Material as To Prove This.

I know, and I did purposely do things such as running up the ladder, as to catch your offensive language aswell as your numpad abuse. I never broke the rules, as to frame you.

I hardly ever, Eventho I have over 240 fraps clips (247), Make Ban Request, If This Does Not Constantly Affect me, Or Affect Me For a Long Time Period... I Can document all these statements; I will even upload propkilling videos for you, if you'd like to prove I am not bullshitting.

I disliked your offensive language and your offensive behavior. I hardly care to "snitch" out all the rulebreakers; As long as it does not affect me - or it does not re-occur.

I Remind You To Please Supply Evidence; Agressive Statements, I hardly Believe Will Help Your Case.

I Myself Have Broken The Rules 3 Times. 2 Willingly and 1 Unwillingly When I was Handed a BmW When I had 0.5 Hours Played.
I didn't understand as to why I got punished, seeing I never intended to do it, and there had been used admin-only tools to blurr te area around it.
You can, and you probably some time in life will be punished for something you never ment to do, this is hard.

But Please; When You Have Purposely Taken Actions, That Is Breaking The Rules; Accept The Punishment; As This Will Reflect on Your Honestly.

You Would, If It Means Anything; Receive My Respect For Doing This.

I Would Appreciate It, Very much; If You Choose To Accept The Punishments.

I Also Ask The Administrators That If The Accused Players Admit To All Charges or Additional Charges; Get 25% or 50% Reduced Ban Time For Their Offenses.
If This Does Not Happend, I will supply Additional Evidence As To Get You Convicted. I Hardly Personally Want To Spend Time On It; More Than I Have To.

-Sincerly Tony Santos

As to Reply To Connor - He Returned After Being Demoted At That Point, as Can Be Proven With The Fraps Video and His Statements Aswell as The Loggings.

Quote; Also in regard to the video's in the one were he takes his M4A1 shows clear attempt of DM to ourselves.

As you can see in the Video Before (Look at the Playtime on my charecter for the evidence - How much the time changes) You Pointed a Gun At Me, and Took Hostile Actions, as to Point a Gun To My Face, Then Shoot Beneath My Face.

I HOPE You Understand I Hate Making Ban Requests, Aswell as I Never Find Pleasure In Other Players Misary.

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RE: STEAM_0:0:21958421 - FightingDeed, STEAM_0:0:37285130 C Vero. - by Dr.Oak - 05-08-2012, 09:55 AM

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