STEAM_0:0:21958421 - FightingDeed, STEAM_0:0:37285130 C Vero.
Quite hypercritical but none the less I shall explain my self.

1) The part where I killed him was due to him killing my friend C Vero who also shared the building we had made. As you can see when C Vero came back it's when I came out and shot him.

2) The reason there seemed to be rivalry was due to the constant non-RP on his behalf e.g No rebel objective, random demoting (And when I say that I really don't understand why we were demoted) The Non-RP seemed to be when we were building our house he simply would stand there and when asked to move he would stand there in the way or try get higher on the building, he would simply be arrogant and refuse to leave after being asked too.

3) Keypad abuse, I'd agree with that we did do that purely on the basis was so when we needed to get out it would stop him and his other friend running up quickly and just standing around on our building it wasn't done for any advantage.

4) NLR breaking? Well seen as they spawned right next to where our house was after he had died he was simply stay there although the logical excuse would be to go into town for 5 minutes then come back however he broke NLR.

Also in regard to the video's in the one were he takes his M4A1 shows clear attempt of DM to ourselves.

On another note, I couldn't hear his character for an odd reason if that's a bug or something but I couldn't hear anyones voice until I relogged.

That's all I really have too say.


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RE: STEAM_0:0:21958421 - FightingDeed, STEAM_0:0:37285130 C Vero. - by Connor - 05-07-2012, 07:32 PM

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