STEAM_0:0:21958421 - FightingDeed, STEAM_0:0:37285130 C Vero.
First off I would like to apologise for my language, but you seriously annoyed me.

What you didn't show in your video is you random demoting and constantly RDMing. I didn't mean to keypad abuse either, but the fact that you and other people constantly running up the ramp annoyed me. I think I only pressed the keypad number once when people were running up as well which again I apologise for.

As for NLR breaking I'm not going to deny it but the random demote just generally pissed me off.

All I ask is that the admins look at this fairly, I admit some of the accusations however please look at the events that lead up to it and the bits that weren't shown. Thanks

"I missed the part where that's my problem" - Peter Parker

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RE: STEAM_0:0:21958421 - FightingDeed, STEAM_0:0:37285130 C Vero. - by C Vero - 05-07-2012, 07:27 PM

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