masterbal111 for asking to get killed + NLR
yes i know i asked him to kill me, but i didn't have the time to explain (mainly because the server crashed)

i was already nearly killed by elementalfrog 3 times
this guy here --->

he came in several time shooting/propkilling and punching me and others around my shop

after i already had to go and buy health kits 2 times thanks to someone who was breaking the rules i didn't want to go and waste money again (also there where no paramedics) so i asked my friend to kill me so my vision wouldn't be blurred anymore

i know that his is against the rules and normally i wouldn't have done it but i can't keep spending money because others don't obey the rules

also that NLR was because as a chef i respawned just next to the building where i was killed (my shop back then) when you came running to me asking why i died and saying that i was committing NLR i was going to leave anyway

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RE: masterbal111 for asking to get killed + NLR - by masterbal111 - 05-07-2012, 05:17 PM

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