Iceman Slander, disrespect, Spamming
Also to add something to this. After the demotion of Iceman, I became president. He then came back as a police officer and came up to the nexus top floor, and began flaming Nate and I (Nate was SS) and how the both of us should be banned. Nate told Iceman to leave politely, but he kept on arguing, so I demoted him for disrespect of the government and flaming OOC (He said some pretty mean stuff). After that, he raged for atleast 3 hours, clogging up the OOC and sending horrible messages through PM to certain people.

At the very least, I want him blacklisted from OOC for a day.

Nothing more to say.


Messages In This Thread
Iceman Slander, disrespect, Spamming - by Natecat - 05-02-2012, 03:52 AM
RE: Iceman Slander, disrespect, Spamming - by BombFire - 05-02-2012, 04:01 AM

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