Horrible RP by NateCat and his abusive buddies.
(04-30-2012, 06:17 AM)carlo315 Wrote: I was there too....just wanna say that that guy, "Sergeno" was RDMing everyone, i was president, and he RDMed me too while i was just making the laws! (90 seconds after i became pres.)
Then he Killed a lot of people, just for fun. He's a pain in the ass.

Thank you for have the courage to come forward, carlo315. It's nice to see that there are some good people here.

Thank you for your support.

(04-30-2012, 05:56 AM)Dylan Wrote:
(04-30-2012, 05:54 AM)Iceman Wrote: Almost nobody on at the time deserves any respect. He ruined RP and they played right along. Therefore, they are as much a cancer has he is.

So are you. You've done nothing to stop him.. Well except making a thread which will likely get closed once a mod sees it, and disrespecting a load of people that are against your opinion.

A load of people who where all complicit in what occurred. They have something to hide and they are ganging up to hide in numbers. This is what the rape parties in Africa did after the atrocities in Rwanda. It is nothing more than a manifestation of their absolute guilt.

At first, only one voice cried out for justice, then there was two and now a third voice echos in the distance demanding justice. How many more will it take before you stop denying what occurred, and remove yourself from the course of justice?

It seems interesting to me that Natecat hasn't got the courage to respond to this thread. This is merely another admission of his guilt. Eventully, like all the evil before him, he will fall and fade into history as just another demon who got what he deserved.

NateCat and his cancer crew know exactly what they did and they know they did it because they thought they would get away with it. Your support of them brings shame to you, your family, and your country.

(04-30-2012, 05:20 AM)brian sanders Wrote: it looks like here and on your unban request you are throwing around oh i was gonna donate tell this and blah blah blah no one cares if your gonna donate do it. they care if and when but if not when then not if. just do it dont talk about it no one cares tell u do it it sounds to me like your are saying unban me if you want my money.. if i was the admin i would have banned u longer you dont follow the rules i dont think you even have read them you were going on and on for hours on ooc about natecat and arguing with him and other people were telling u to stop and u call them fail RPers for saying stop and read the rules.talking crap in ooc is not allowed. its in the rules not to argue in ooc do it in pm

Take an english course and for the love of all that is holy ... learn to use punctuation.

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RE: Horrible RP by NateCat and his abusive buddies. - by Iceman - 04-30-2012, 06:25 AM

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