Ban Req Tony Santos & Flux
I'll talk to Gamesdude as to retrevie screenies of him lockpicking my car. I myself from Flux's house across the street, (villa 3) saw him crowbaring my car.

It is to know that he asked me to kill him several times, before I even took action. He wanted evidence as to what he wanted to make look like a RDM as to revenge the ban request I am posting on him for NLR breaking, and Sniping me to death.

Before the incident... I managed to fraps his mate, selling the doors to VIlla 2, and I bought it. Quack had contras in this house, and after his mate disconnected... After selling the doors... I bought them and locked them. He raided the house shortly after, killing me and Gamesdude.

But as said; This was hardly a RDM.
The evidence is showing not much, especially since he didn't catch himself crowbaring my car, and "Lockpicking it"

I will when I return home today, upload the fraps video, A.S.A.P, aswell as ask Gamesdude for the picture evidence.
If you do not conclude that the evidence is enough to prove failRP, please if anything wait untill I can reach my PC, seeing I am currently at school.
* Dr.Oak smiles

Summary: Horrible Evidence. He flipped my car, wich Is on the side of him. I RP'd with a dialog, as to see his response. When the majority of what I got in return, was "Kill me" "I ban you". I decided that, he stole my car, bulked it... Scratched it... Was agressive, so I beat him, With the crowbar. I had my UMP ready, as to defend myself, but chose to "Beat him". Flux shot him before I managed to kill him.

Messages In This Thread
Ban Req Tony Santos & Flux - by Quack - 04-18-2012, 01:46 AM
RE: Ban Req Tony Santos & Flux - by beflok - 04-18-2012, 03:57 AM
RE: Ban Req Tony Santos & Flux - by Dr.Oak - 04-18-2012, 07:08 AM
RE: Ban Req Tony Santos & Flux - by Dr.Oak - 04-18-2012, 03:08 PM
RE: Ban Req Tony Santos & Flux - by Quack - 04-18-2012, 06:21 PM
RE: Ban Req Tony Santos & Flux - by Gamesdude109 - 04-18-2012, 08:57 PM
RE: Ban Req Tony Santos & Flux - by Quack - 04-19-2012, 12:21 AM
RE: Ban Req Tony Santos & Flux - by beflok - 04-23-2012, 03:36 PM

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