Reported User(s): Oliver

Reported User's SteamID: STEAM 0136593205

Date & Time (GMT): 3/4/21 @ 19:01 GMT

Summary of the incident
We were chasing after him and he just didn't stop even when he was under FearRp
and idk what happened to the other cop if he VDMed him or if it was an glitch


Idk why it did not record my mic but the only thing i said was get out the car
This was not me driving, as you can clearly see in the video.

I was AFK at this time so my car was probably stolen for up to two hours.

Again, as you can see in the video . It is not me, Whiteboy.


Bad attempting at targetting me, aiming Blind. Aye?
Yours Truely,

This is clearly not Oliver breaking FearRP.

In future please ensure you are formatting SteamIDs within player reports correctly, the one you have given does not lead to any steam account.
[Image: lewis-hamilton-silverstone2022.gif]

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