Steam Name: rowan13 (This Unb Req is being posted on behalf of Rowan so he doesn't break TOS with an alt account)

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:29964011

BanID: n/a Forums

Ban Reason: Constant disrespect for members/FL/Admins, racism/ homophobic slangs, flaming threads, Does not care about FL only wants to spread hate.

Staff Member: Not sure.

Involved users: Anyone I've ever interacted with and 2 very disgruntled admins

Why should you be unbanned?


I have a "perma" forum ban that dates well before the total ban wipe (almost) everyone received whenever year that happened on. This is probably not news to most of you, but I've checked the Team section of the website and I see nothing but new names I do not recognize, as I've played a lot Fearless from 2011 to, well, just a few years back. As everyone else, old server bans were wiped, but the forum ban wasn't, possibly out of forgetfulness.

Despite not really believing that the circumstance warrants it, it is better to be safe than sorry, so I'll give my POV on the events that got be banned in the first place in the shortest and most concise way possible:
I ran a lot of gray area roleplays throughout my active time in the community that divided the administration into two aisles: people who found them interesting, well executed, and original, and those who didn't. In fact afaik there should be an old thread about me or the clan in question in the secret Admin-only section of this forum. That thread was made on 10th March, 2012, by the now banned former admin Elder. You may refer to it for reference of past administration discussions about me, from both sides.
The fact that I was a devise subject was by itself enough reason to warrant some degree of bias against me and associates at a later date, and that comes into play during this ban I'm attempting to appeal.

Let me break down the ban one crime at a time so you're able to judge my statements through your own posterior research:

Constant disrespect for members/FL/Admins;
Two admins in specific had beef with a small chunk of the userbase, I'm part of that group. One of the admins in question was Super-Admin Beflok, who, judging by private posts later leaked, was in the misguided belief that I "made fun of them (the admins) and FL ''''behind their backs''''", to poorly quote. Note that this isn't about disrespect within the game space, and it isn't disrespect within the forums: Beflok found reasons to dislike me and a handful of other users outside of FearlessRP, and applied punishment here instead.

Racism/Homophobic slangs;
For that you need to dig through my 300 posts on this forum, which I urge you to, because I'm 100% sure I never espoused homophobic or racist views in here, nor in-game, a single time through out my several years participating in the community. My post history is probably my best defense.

I'd also like to point out that there was a discussion about whether or not the name Anti-Fruitcake Brigade meant Anti Gay Brigade and that it was used as a pretext to close a group, all because this one admin was paranoid and seemingly projecting his own homophobia over the harmless name and the tag group of community members. Fruitcake is a dessert I hate, as well as a derogatory term for people who are erratic. All imagery and OC made for , by, or about the group, does a fairly good job at distancing itself from anything resembling a hate group. Thus the name was born as the modus operandi of the group was to roleplay as a forum watch brigade, basically a community policing parody- nothing else.

Flaming threads;
Same as above; Partaking in discussions isn't flaming. Although maybe at some point argued in an inflammatory manner at least once or twice during my several years of forum activity due to some frustration at the time, it couldn't possibly warrant a perma-ban.

Does not care about FL only wants to spread hate;
I don't even know who to argue against this because of how ridiculous and out of place it is. I've spend hundreds and hundreds of hours of partaking and producing in content/roleplays, in my own way and however I reasonably could at the time, and I've got nothing but fond memories and life lasting friendships from this place.


All in all, I urge you to consider reading the admin thread regarding me and the group, as at least one admin that I can remember was balanced in his judgment (Adman); I also urge you to comb through my posts and figure out if my activity genuinely warranted a permaban. And finally, I'd like this to also be a formal request to be given a fair, clean slate, as was given to everyone who played in the server prior and after the Total Ban Wipe, so you- the new admin team and owner- can judge on your own whether or not I can add something fun to your community, or at the very least enjoy the space w/out being much of a bother. I've played accordingly to TOS and the server rules a few times post-ban-wipe.

The forum was the only impending issue which I never really got around to resolve. Since I've given playing FL again some thought and would like to be more immersed in the constructive development of the community under new management, I figured it would be wise to request a forum ban lift as well.

Thank you for your time and attention.
Hello Rowan13,

Thank you for your UBR. This is now in review. Smile
Fearless Veteran 8^)
Hello Rowan13,

Thanks for your UBR once again and apologies for the time taken to respond.

I have spoken to the team and we have decided to give you another chance on the condition that we don't see any disrespect towards are members and staff team, homophobic slangs or racism, I realise that it has been a long time since your ban but if it's clear to me that you cannot follow that, you will be removed from FL services.

Fearless Veteran 8^)

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