Steam Name: LordMafia

SteamID:  STEAM_0:1:63925176

BanID: 70697

Ban Reason

Staff Member: Hitman

Involved users
not applicable

Why should you be unbanned?

I believe it has been between 4-5 years since I have been banned ( There is no date log for the ban ) and during this period I have greatly matured and in fact became a serious role player . For instance, I have been playing SWRP which many would arguably say is more challenging than a standard RP/DarkRP server. During my time on other servers I have learned what is necessary to be an effective player and as a result of my performance I was able to become a member of staff of several RP servers. Upon reflection I believe my history was due to the circumstances of me being a younger individual with no understanding of what it takes, now I am sincere in regards to my ban and I do believe the years that have passed and me coming back is a sign of dedication that I can be part of the community again.
As Hitman is no longer part of the team, I will bring this into discussion with the current team. Please be patient, thank you.
Hello, after discussion with the staff team we have decided to unban you! Please read the rules before joining.


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