I don't even know where to begin.
Your name: Quack

Your ban ID: 8708 AND 8711

Banned by: Beflok

Server: V2D

Involved: I don't even remember it was ages ago.

I have just been banned again for something that happened a very long time ago.


Take a look at the bans and you will see I have not one, but TWO bans at the same time for the SAME THING.

Not only have I already "done my time" for this, but it was MONTHS ago.

This is unacceptable, someone please teach this trial admin how to do his job properly or relieve him of his status.

Also I would like all other admins to take a look at the following link.


This type of behavior is absolutely unacceptable for admins

Why do you allow these types of people to become admins, Soul?
Being me his mother, I can probably explain. Earlier today he noticed that it needed some cleaning, so he got to work on it (as you can see from the bans list he's been busy), and that BR that he made was before he became administrator. anyway, it's only 2 days...
This sad attempt at justifying my ban is laughable at best

Will there be an admin with some sense stopping by any time soon?
(04-15-2012, 07:24 PM)Quack Wrote: This sad attempt at justifying my ban is laughable at best

Will there be an admin with some sense stopping by any time soon?

The two bans are almost identical, it's just one hour to difference them. You should probably thank him for not booting you permanently. You can't RP at all and you caused mayhem on the server at least twice by spamming huge props around the map and propkilling people.

You are in absolutely no position to question anything here, rather than accept your "short" fate.

Extra Proof:
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.
Unban request denied, you should be lucky with your relative short ban.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:15472195&b=9]
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