FalloutRP (Cancelled due to Downtime)
Doesn't an admin need to create an event like this since you have to get teleported to the vault part of the map?
(04-06-2012, 06:23 PM)GRiiM Wrote: Doesn't an admin need to create an event like this since you have to get teleported to the vault part of the map?

Nope all I do is announce in ooc of where the RP event will take place
I have no issue with you making the event. Have fun. ^^
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.
(04-06-2012, 06:23 PM)GRiiM Wrote: Doesn't an admin need to create an event like this since you have to get teleported to the vault part of the map?

It could be done in nexus labs also.
Confused as to What vault rp is ?
Name: Corporal McGhoulBerry
SteamId: STEAM_0:1:15686758
Why you want to join this event:
I've done RPs like this before, i've recorded a few ingame RPs on fearless and i know what to do and im a huge Fallout fan.
[Image: mcghoul_85.png]
I create my own images.
Admin Close this the server was ddosed before the event could start

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