Loweski UnBan Appeal
Your name: ๖ۣۜLoweski

Your ban ID: 8078

Banned by: Console

Server: Both servers

Involved: Sharkie

Why we should unban you:
Hey Fearless Community,
I am very sorry for "Hacking" Other members in the community, I was really thinking straight at the time, I should have thought to myself, " Hey, do I want to get perma-banned from my favorite server that I have 200 hours in?" Just didn't come to me at the time, what I'm trying to get to is, I love RolePlaying on Fearless servers, If you give me one more chance to come back, I will fully refund Sharkie and will never attempt anything idoitic again. I am truely sorry and ask for your kindness to give me one more chance, I ensure, I will not ruin it. I love to Rp and by no means try to effect anyone one that plays your community. Thanks
I honestly like RPing with Loweski, hes funny and obeys rules, he always seems to point them out when im breaking one X)
I believe in second chances, but the thing is, would you really of been "Sorry" for your actions if you didn't get caught? I don't think so. You hacked his account for personal gain, that's a very selfish thing to do. What where your reasons? Only you know.

Still, it's up to Soul I believe. If it were up to me, I would keep you banned for at least a month before unbanning you, since I believe in second chances but you should serve a "Punishment".
Live a good life. If there's a god and he's just, he will not care of how devout you are, he will accept you for the virtues you have based your life upon. If there's no god, then you will have gone, but you will have lived a noble life which will stay in the memories of those that you love.
I oppose this. Phishing or performing other malicious tasks to gain unauthorized access to someone's account is a very serious offense, not only for [FL] but also Steam, and it does also violate a few laws also.
dude, You hacked my EMAIL, STEAM, and nearly my wow. I don't think you should be unbanned. I think you should be banned of fourms too.
OK this guy took full access of my computer, email, steam, and forum account and put a bunch of keyloggers on my computer. I vote no.
exaclly the same as me!
I also gave your account back and apologized, Yes I was caught, I gave the account back and am sorry that I disapointed FL
No, Bullshi* I only got it back BECAUSE i made a ticket to steam so dont go lying about giving me my account back.
And you think i'm going to accept an APPOLIGY? No. Simple awnser NO.
*Edit* You didnt even appologize.
Appeal reviewed and denied.

Closing notes:
Suspension for accused player (๖ۣۜLoweski, STEAM_0:0:39101463) will stand as issued.
Please note, user has also been banned from forums to avoid any future unban requests or any attempts of retaliation.

[FL] Killjoy
Server Administrative Team

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