Ban Request PiqueRoz [ES]
Name of player: PiqueRoz

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:14219638

Time in GMT: 18:15 GMT+1

Server: v33x

Summary: Me and some rebels made a house into a base at one of the houses at the corleone area. After a while, a citizen came to our house. Break in and killed everybody inside, blowing up our contra, witout proper reason. On his job description it stands: Casino Staff. This is so much RP-fail.
Second thing was that is asked him why he did it and he said: Care. Then he killed me.

Evidence: [Image: 2012033000008.jpg]

this is were he killed me, after i warned him:
[Image: 2012033000009.jpg]
I was one of the guys inside this house, and I can confirm that all of this is true. When I met up with the guy he was all care and did not respond to my comments on why he entered.

Just wanted to confirm this story

Try tell the whole story next time. You guys were messing with our casino spin-wheel camera, we came to your house, you opened the door and shot my friend, so of course I'll kill you 2 guys in self-defense.
(03-30-2012, 06:09 PM)PiqueRoz Wrote: Try tell the whole story next time. You guys were messing with our casino spin-wheel camera, we came to your house, you opened the door and shot my friend, so of course I'll kill you 2 guys in self-defense.

What gives you the right to have a cameraangle so we dont, and btw, i took up my gun for hushing you guys out of the house, and your friend started shooting. And its no self-defence when you arrive at our house for killing us because we changed camera-angle.
(03-30-2012, 06:54 PM)Doctor_Enzyme Wrote:
(03-30-2012, 06:09 PM)PiqueRoz Wrote: Try tell the whole story next time. You guys were messing with our casino spin-wheel camera, we came to your house, you opened the door and shot my friend, so of course I'll kill you 2 guys in self-defense.

What gives you the right to have a cameraangle so we dont, and btw, i took up my gun for hushing you guys out of the house, and your friend started shooting. And its no self-defence when you arrive at our house for killing us because we changed camera-angle.
who says we drove over there for shooting you, we had guns for security in the casino.
Then why were you on our porch then? You guys didn't seem like the guys who asks politely, and you guys weren't either, when i returned later.

And we do have the right to defend us on our property when you enter without a permission, and we did warn you guys, and we did tell you to leave.
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
Warned - Temar
(04-03-2012, 02:02 AM)kohaine Wrote: this guy is a minge and deserves a ban

go read this
And thanks, you too mate.
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
Warned you wasnt even online so your not a witness - Temar
(04-03-2012, 10:01 AM)kohaine Wrote:
(04-03-2012, 02:26 AM)PiqueRoz Wrote:
(04-03-2012, 02:02 AM)kohaine Wrote: this guy is a minge and deserves a ban

go read this
And thanks, you too mate.

Exactly, Im a witness and you are a mingebag on the server and deserve a ban.

You are not witness to this "raid" i made on theese two rebels, if you want me banned go make a ban request on me. You can't just come here and say "he's minge ban him" I can say exact same thing about you.

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