I get permbannd but not my friend.
Hello people.
I was playing on fearless and i was with my friend. I WHERE new in this game and i hit the wrong person. I hit a admin with sockstick without meaning it, i was going to tazz a person who commit a crime but it was many many people there and i tazed the admin Nervous But i was with a friend and he tazed peolpe who didnt do him anything. But i am the person who get banned, im not mad, i really think you are just doing youre job. But i was new at this game and i didnt follow the rules. But now i read the rules and i fully understand it and im rally sorry :/ i hope i can get a new change Blush
Appeal reviewed and pushed back.

Pushback notes:
Please use the template, available at www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=10

[FL] Killjoy
Server Administrative Team
you got about 3 hours to fix this or it will be atleast 5 more days as i wont be on to review this
and i told you in the pm's too make sure you use template

No Template.
[Image: Force_Ghost_Signature2.jpg]

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