Александр Гавриков
Steam Name: Александр Гавриков

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:423251242

BanID: 84961

Ban Reason
DA of bulldog

Staff Member: Violet DE Kittie

Involved users

Why should you be unbanned?
I dont understand why i got banned for Dubbleaccount.. i started playing cityrp two weeks ago and I played many years ago so the first day when I started to play I logged in to different steam accounts to see wich one I used to play on but other than that I've only played on this account.. 

I have really started to enjoy playing cityrp again and even supported you by becoming a donator for the first time so its quite sad to get banned for something I don't really have done.
And this bulldog is not one of my other accounts btw. as i said this is the first time ive donated..
Hey Fredrik,

I'm not going to comment on you being Bulldog or not as that wasn't me, from my understanding you were banned based on your voice being compared to several DAs of theirs.

Ignoring the Bulldog thing, I banned several accounts connected to you directly (STEAM_0:0:52880836 and STEAM_0:1:87375626). The accounts STEAM_0:0:29180989, STEAM_0:1:96113657 and STEAM_0:0:29180989 aren't owned by you but are involved in this too. These accounts have all been used before on FL and I'm confident STEAM_0:0:52880836 and STEAM_0:1:87375626 are both directly owned by you. All accounts have an inventory and money on FL past the defaults and have been used. At the start of this month you connected with STEAM_0:0:52880836 and did play on it for a bit of time.

STEAM_0:1:423251242 is the account this UBR is on and has 34 hours of playtime.
STEAM_0:0:52880836 is directly connected to you and has 90 hours of playtime.
STEAM_0:1:87375626 is directly connected to you and has 95 hours of playtime.

Having more than one account on our services isn't allowed and your claim of them not being used is false. Ignoring the entire Bulldog thing (only because I have no involvement on that part), you've still broken our rules.
Fearless Management
Posting for Bulldog

"Bulldog has no associations with this account, and it's simply a personal target from violet. Edned."
I have solid Evidence of your Double accounting. Not only me, but I also have another admin as a witness of you using mic IG and we confirmed that it is you ( Bulldog ). I should mention that this is not the first time I caught you on the server as DA. Personal Target? You must be on the wrong person.

Good Day Bulldog.

[Image: jJtX9nT.png]
Thanks To MaxEvan For This Cute Signature Again!! 

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