Reported User(s): Marozas

Reported User's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:64891246

Date & Time (GMT): 02/03/2021 @ 10:50 GMT

Summary of the incident
Marozas basically saying the N word against someone OOC, then calling them a 'pussy bitch'.

[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: jgUSzW0.png]
Have I helped you or made an epic statement that has blown your mind and turned the tables?
Gimme a sexy lil rep here!
Thank you for this Player Report, it has been reviewed and approved.

Marozas is in breach of Rule 1.7, a ban of 1 day has been issued, subject to extension.
[Image: jUcv1hb.png]
extended to 30 days as 2nd time this happened
[Image: zypxjb7.jpg]

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